Monday 30 November 2015

Frankfurter Roll

Chicken Frankfurter Roll

Frankfurter Roll

Chicken Frankfurter roll is my daughter’s favourite. She normally eats it for breakfast, bring one to school for her morning tea and another for her afternoon tea when she comes back from school.

There are two reasons why you should bake your own frankfurter rolls :-

1.            You get to choose good quality frankfurters

2.      The frankfurters are well cooked when the rolls are baked


Adapted from Don Yong – Bread Winners book


280 gm  Strong flour (bread flour)

3     gm  Instant dry yeast

170 gm  Water


120 gm   Strong flour (bread flour)

15   gm   Milk powder

6     gm   Bread improver

8     gm   Instant yeast

80   gm   Sugar

6     gm   Salt

50   gm   Egg

20   gm   Water

60   gm   Butter (softened)



14        Frankfurters


Firstly, par boil the frankfurters for 1 minute and set it aside to cool.

Prepare the sponge by mixing all the ingredients and knead until the sponge is firm, dry and cool to touch. Ferment the sponge for 4 to 5 hours in a fairly large airtight greased container at about 27 degrees Celsius.

When the sponge is fermented, prepare the dough. Place the remaining dry ingredients into a mixing bowl. Add egg and water, mix and combine well. Cut sponge into a few pieces and add to the mixture, knead it. Lastly add butter and mix together. Mix and knead for about 10 minutes until the dough is fully developed.

Round up the dough and rest on a flour dusted table for 10 minutes. Divide the dough into 55 gm pieces and round up again.

Leave the dough pieces to rest for 5 to 10 minutes and then roll out each dough piece between your hands until it’s about 2 ½ times the length of the frankfurter or about 35 cm. Take a dough strip and wrap it around a frankfurter by forming 5 to 6 coils of dough over it.

Line a baking sheet with parchment paper. Place the shaped rolls on the paper. Cover the rolls with clean cloth.

Prove rolls for 1 hour in a warm place until the dough doubles in size.

Brush egg over the surface of the rolls, sprinkle some sesame seeds on top if desired and bake in a preheated oven at 200 degrees Celsius for 12 to 15 minutes until the rolls turn golden brown.



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